Life – Is a Mystery Unfolding I, II & III Book Series
The story behind the books
The synchronicities of events are all around us to assist us on our earthly mission. In March 2015 I found myself on a twelve day pilgrimage in Egypt, visiting many of the Temples and the Great Pyramid. With no previous plans to travel to Egypt suddenly something deep within my heart was calling me to be there. Sometimes in life you know there is something you are destined to do. By the end of the pilgrimage I knew why my intuition spoke so strongly to me. Within six weeks of returning from Egypt I found myself living in a home surrounded by bush writing three books all relating to the topic of ‘The Mystery of Life.’
The main purpose for publishing the series of three books, Life Is a Mystery – Unfolding I, II and III is to enable you to take time out from your external world even if for only a minute and have the opportunity to reflect on your life. I wish you many insightful moments both in gratitude, humility and appreciation for the life you have been given and are now living.
“It is in the silence and stillness of life that you give yourself the opportunity to discover more of who you are; your inner beauty which is more than this physical body. You enable yourself to discover or allow the essence of who you are to be acknowledged by you. Life is a journey of discovery; unfolding revelation if you allow each moment to be your teacher.”
Each book is a collection of 50 of my photographs accompanied by a reflective statement. Each photograph and reflective statement can relate to your life as youpause and reflection on what you are seeing and reading. Each book is distinct from the other two books in the series; the difference being explained by clicking on each book. There is no judgement in these images or reflective statements, as they reflect the various aspects of the human existence we may all relate to in some way or another.
Your Truth lies within. All your life is a journey of self-discovery, ultimately into your own heart, to love and acceptance yourself for who you are. This series of books will assist you in some unexpected way.
“I love the way the author has captured a unique perspective on life’s everyday events, both in the images and the meaningful words and insights and awareness’s I have gained from the reflection & contemplation of them. My life has been enriched by the insights…”
– Lynette Howearth
Life – Is a Mystery Unfolding I
Price: $31.99
This book is a collection of images taken from the streets of Melbourne and Paris, country and outback Australia, parts of Egypt and various other objects that we see in our everyday life which can be interpreted in many different ways around the theme, ‘The Mystery of Life.’
This book as distinct from the other two books in the series captures images that we may see around us in our everyday life. Images we would rarely give a second thought to, but when consciously viewed will raise some thought, feeling or emotion based on our previous experience of life.
Life – Is a Mystery Unfolding II
Price: $31.99
This book in the series is a collection of images taken from various parts of the world that focus on the theme of water. Places such as the south-west coast of Victoria, The Great Ocean Road, The Great Barrier Reef, the mountains of Nepal, the north-west coast of Australia, South Pacific islands and numerous skies around country Victoria.
Water, in particular the sea, has the amazing capacity to connect with our emotions and have a calming effect on us if we allow ourselves to be immersed in that environment. Clouds can also have a calming effect, and at times some cloud formations have their own way of delivering messages if we are open to interpreting what we see in the context of our life.
Life – Is a Mystery Unfolding III
Price: $31.99
This third book in the series is a collection of images of people taken around the world – France, Egypt, Thailand, Nepal, outback Australia, Melbourne and Ballarat. Images of people either in their work environment, during a leisure activity or out in nature are featured in this book, but irrespective of place the images were captured they reflect the diversity and harshness of human life on Mother Earth.
This book is different from the previous two books in the series as the captured images challenge us to be humble and grateful for our life. When we stop and consciously reflect on the images, we may have a recollection of a time in our life or recall someone who has encountered a similar situation. There is no judgement in these images, as they reflect the various aspects of human existence that we may relate to, particularly if we have travelled to a third-world country.
Desire – Connecting with Your Divine Inspiration
“This is a concise and succinct book detailing how individuals can help refocus their energy and start achieving their goals in life. Leon speaks with a gentle authority and the warmth in his tone will appeal to a large audience.”
This book has been purchased by people in thirteen countries around the world. It is not an academic book, it has been written for the average person in the street. Complete with a workbook, this book has the capacity to change your life.
Inspiration Bible
It was a privilege and honour to be a co-author with 365 other people in this amazing book.
The Inspiration Bible is a heartfelt project devoted to uplifting humanity. From teenagers who are struggling to find themselves, to adults who are challenged and the elderly who are giving up, the Inspiration Bible aims to be the much-needed beacon of light of hope to help people overcome their adversities and live a magnificent life.
May people will be inspired by the 365 heart felt stories from around the world to make a change in their own life to express their own creativity and potential to enable their own inner greatness to emerge.
Two of the things I love about the Inspiration Bible are
- It demonstrates the resilience of the human spirit
The philanthropic aspect to the project where for every book purchased, a second copy is given away to
- someone in need of inspiration
It has been a complete honour to be part of such a project as the book has already touched hundreds of lives; all part of the mission to spread inspiration around the world and uplift humanity.